Negin Hooshmandnia

Negin Hooshmandnia
Business Intelligence Lead, American Council on Education
School: School of Business
Negin Hooshmandnia's professional background is deeply anchored in the realm of Higher Education. She is currently a Senior Business Analyst at American Council on Education (ACE) - a membership organization that mobilizes the higher education community. She is also an Adjunct Instructor for Business Leader Foundations for Transfer Students (BADM 1003) course at The George Washington University, School of Business. Her career has led her to direct a classroom overseas, where she worked closely with a cohort of over 100 Japanese students and has supported the George Washington University, Office of Undergraduate Admissions. With a Bachelors of Business Administration from George Washington University and a Master in Information Technology from Virginia Tech, her aim is to continue to bridge her love of technology and passion for Higher Education.