Parents & Families

Welcome and CCS Mission

Welcome parents and family members! The Center for Career Services provides career coaching, self-assessment, online resume and cover letter development and assistance with networking, interviewing and engagement with employers to help students discover their talents and interests, decide on an academic major, explore industries and career options and create an effective job search strategy. We work with employers to brand their organizations through information sessions, a robust on campus interviewing program and participation in career and industry fairs, programs and panels.


Services for UG students 

  • Student Employment: Student employment opportunities are conveniently located on or near campus and allow students to earn a paycheck, aid in the transition to college, and exposes the student to a variety of professional experiences outside of the classroom through Federal Work Study (FWS) Program and non-FWS student positions.
  • Career Development, Coaching, Assessments: Our professional career coaches have extensive experience working with students in career development, employment advising, internship preparation, interview skills, and document preparation. Career coaching is available for all degree-seeking GW students and alumni through either the Center for Career Services or through individual school-based career centers.
  • Career Programs and Workshops: With professionals, alumni, coaches, etc.
  • Jobs/Internships: Opportunities to gain experience and test jobs through short-term and longer-term experiences

Online Resources

  • Handshake: Handshake is the free university-wide job and internship posting portal and is available to students and alumni. Your HR department can establish an account here. 
  • VMock: A 24-7 online resume review tool that leverages technologies like data science, machine learning, and natural language processing to provide instant personalized feedback on your resume.
  • GW Career Connect: Student to alumni mentoring platform. The 3600 plus alumni in GW Career Connect have volunteered to answer your questions and help you navigate careers in their industry.
  • Going GlobalCountry career guides for finding employment abroad and at home.